Tuesday, 5 February 2008

The mother of all inflation!

A $10 million Zimbabwean Banknote. Picture courtesy of the Time Magazine.

By Adeola Aderounmu.

Blame it on the West! That is the popular slogan of Mugabe and his supporters.

But the people are suffering anyway and that is what really hurts!

If I was 80 years and full of ideas and energy, I'd rather spent it on a quiet farm or in a quiet town somewhere.

When an 83 or 84 year old man believes that he still holds the key to the rejuvenation of his country (from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe [what next?]), then there is a serious problem.

10 million dollar bank note! This is the pinnacle of ridicule. Is that for a loaf or bread or to build a mansion?

Please let the WEST leave Mugabe alone!

Please let Mugabe lead his people to the promise land.

To me personally, I see the role of the West as a secondary issue in the mess that Mugabe created.

Generally, African leaders continue to display lack of leadership skills needed to bring the much anticipated and needed progress to the African continent.

Under a more purposeful and sincere leadership, Africa will return to its rightful place on the global map as the cradle of civilisation.

Mugabe and his likes (Kibaki, Yar Adua, Obasanjo) who are ruling /forcefully ruled the people are definitely not part of the ingredients that will sustain and deliver Africa.

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